©1994 By Lewis N. Foster

 1.  Get an agreement from the families to return to the group next week and to bring any other family member who was not present this week.

 2.  Design homework that will involve the whole family system, when giving homework is appropriate, and make it simple.  If they don't do it, then you made the homework too difficult.

    Examples of homework are:

    a.  prescribe the symptom;

    b.  have a family meeting and record it;

    c.  plan a fun activity for the whole family;

    d.  have parents make a list of rules;

    e.  have parents make a list of consequences if the rules are broken;

    f.  have parents complete the "Determining Responsibilities" form;

    g.  make a list of the things you worry about;

    h.  read a self-help book;

    i.  take time for the marital relationship;

    j.  find ways to enhance intimacy or reduce conflict;

 3.  Have each person in a family list all the things they see wrong with the other family members (each persons can-of-worms) and bring the lists to the next MFGT meeting.

 4.  End the group on time.  The messages you behaviorally transmit are important.

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